The Social Media Tools Of the Future…
Facebook isn’t all that, is it? From an SEO perspective, it really is a great way to generate traffic; yet, it is not the only way. In fact, just using Facebook may limit your variety of content for social media. By this I mean its simply best to not put all your eggs in one basket, nor should you opposing spread yourself too far. Here’s a bit of a low-down on the best social media out there that is likely to generate results…
The fact is when it comes to social media marketing; you need a variety of platforms that work for you. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have just have to immediately run to social media giants, such as Facebook or Twitter. Although, I’m not saying its best to venture away from these social media platform, but it still is a good idea to experiment with new platforms, as well as look at older platforms for social interaction. recently informed me a great deal about the potentialities of social media marketing tools, with their review on the top social media tools used in 2009 and 2010. Facebook came out as the top social platform for success as 71% of businesses used it in 2010, up by 10% from 2009. Whilst, Twitter was implemented only 59% of the time, but still gaining an whooping increase of 7%. Both were, however, beaten down by message/bulletin boards as a massive 93% of businesses declared it as a successful marketing tactic, compared to the 80% mark of marketing success through social media. Still considering social media platforms, Facebook and Twitter have not been around as long, we have seen considerable success and growth in the market, still making it one of the top social marketing tools.
By the statistics given by, it may also be time for SEO consultants or wannabes to turn their heads to another social media tool, Foursquare. Even though only used by 5% of businesses, it has according to the statistics a success rate of 75% – pretty good for a beginner on the market. The location based social networking site, Foursquare, meant for GPS enabled phones, is beginning to be one of the top successful tools simply because of the expansion of smartphones around the world. It is certainly one to look out for in the future, if you don’t have the time now to implement it into your SEO campaign.
Old school tactics are still doing relatively well. Although blogging’s success rate is down by 2% from 2009, it still is a successful method with an 86% success rate. Online videos are doing extremely well with a 93% success rate, even though due to cuts a small number of businesses use this methodology.
Overall, we are seeing an increase in the use of social media tools as print becomes more expensive and naturally goes out of fashion. In fact over 50% of businesses consider social media tools very important to their marketing success, whilst fewer than 10% consider it unimportant. Thus, in the next few years we will see a further increase in the use of these tools.
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